Why Kabale University should be a university of choice by postgraduate and undergraduate students
Kabale University is only about four years as a Public University. It began as a community incubated private University in 2002 with a total of 42 students. Even under the private status, by 2014, it had acquired a charter -the highest accreditation status for private Universities in Uganda in accordance with the Universities and Other Tertiary institutions Act, 2001 as amended. In 2015, Kabale University was taken over by Government of Uganda and it accordingly became a public University. Since being a public University, Kabale University has been undoubtedly on a steady progress. The student population for example has increased from 2,666 in the 2016/17 academic year to 3,193 by end of March 2020.
This is a 20% increase in enrollment. Of the number of students only 318 are Government –sponsored students. The University offers 55 academic programmes of which 12 are postgraduate, 26 are undergraduate Degrees and 17 are undergraduate diploma programmes.
The academic programmes of the University are offered in 7 Faculties (Faculty of Education, Science, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Fine Art and Design, Computing and Information Sciences, Economics and Management, Arts and Social Sciences), one School (School of Medicine) and one Institute (Institute of Language studies). There are 341 staff of which 237 are academic and 104 are non-teaching staff. The academic staff vary in rank. The University has 15 full Professors, 6 Associate Professors, 19 Senior Lecturers, 50 Lecturers, 90 Assistant Lecturers and 25 Teaching Assistants.