Prof. Benon Basheka Appointed Deputy Vice Chancellor-Academic Affairs – Kabale University

This is to inform Kabale University Community and the General Public that in exercise of powers conferred to him by Section 30 read together with provisions of Section 32 of the University and Other Tertiary Institutions Act 2001 as amended, the relevant provisions of the Kabale University Human Resource Manual (2018) and on the basis of recommendations from the Deputy Vice Chancellor Search Committee, University Senate and on the basis of the decision by the University Council at its 17th meeting held on 27th February 2020, the Chancellor Professor Mondo George Kagonyera has appointed Professor Benon C Basheka as the 1ST Deputy Vice Chancellor-Academic Affairs (DVCAA).
Before his appointment, Professor Basheka served as a Professor of Governance in the Department of Governance of Kabale University. Until 31st August 2019, Professor Basheka served as a Vice Chancellor of Uganda Technology and Management University and formerly worked at Uganda Management Institute as a Head of Graduate Programmes. He also still serves as Extra-Ordinary Professor at NWU Business School and Visiting Professor and Research Fellow at University of Johannesburg; both in South Africa.
Professor Basheka is an accomplished scholar, academic administrator, consultant and educationist. He has published over 90 refereed Articles, Book Chapters, and Books in internationally recognized publication outlets. He is the chair of the 1st International Conference in Governance and Leadership to be hosted by Kabale University in May 2020. He on 19th February 2020 gave the 1st ever Professorial Inaugural lecture at Kabale University on the subject of Governance and Leadership.
The University wishes to congratulate Professor Basheka for this professional and administrative recognition and we wish him the best as he takes over this important administrative position core to the business operations of the University.