Graduate Supervision
Prof. Basheka has supervised a number of students in his Academic career both at Masters and Doctorate level.
Asphat Muposhi
Topic: Factors influencing pro-environmental behaviour: a case of non-resusable bags
Specialization: Development studies
Candidate Year: 2019
Webb Mazinyo E
Topic: Leadership and management issues impacting on national insurance: the case of eastern cape district health system, south Africa
Specialization: Management
Candidate Year: 2019
Bongile W Mbabo
Topic: The small, micro and medium (smmes) and job creation: a case study of eastern cape provincial development plan
Specialization: Business Administration
Candidate Year: 2019
Zelalem Bayisi G
Topic: A comparative perspective of academic brain drain at selected universities in Ethiopia and South Africa
Specialization: Development studies
Candidate Year: 2019
Steven Joseph Minja
Topic: Developing a Life Cycle Costing Analytical Framework for the Building and Construction Industry in Tanzania
Specialization: Economics
Candidate Year: 2019